Unblock your full potential

Breakthrough™ is a complete mental fitness training solution for everyone from the frontline to the C-suite.
Using the unique strengths of virtual reality technology, our suite of applications has been proven to reduce attrition, combat ‘quiet quitting,’ and eliminate burnout because they're fun, intuitive,
and much more effective
than existing solutions.

Meet our suite of apps
These applications leverage the unique power of virtual reality to overcome many of the impediments to effective meditation and training.
VR headsets, preloaded with variety of easy-to-use applications, are sent directly to homes or offices.

Scientifically proven methods matched with video-game quality experiences deliver significant benefits:
● Improved focus and memory
● Better communication and conflict resolution
● Enhanced self-awareness, patience/tolerance
● Stronger relationships at work and in life
● Improved positive thinking and confidence
● Reduced anxiety and negative emotions
● Becoming more present and productive
● Increased imagination and creativity
● Lower heart rate + resting blood pressure
● Better sleep and reduced headaches
● Improved ability to manage stress and anxiety